Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

A zöld csapadékvíz kezelés modelljei, mint a városrészek fenntartható fejlődésének mozgatórugója. - A Water Sensitive Zomerhof / Agniese (Rotterdam) és az Augustenborg (Malmo) ökonegyedek összehasonlító elemzése

Over the coming decades, climate change will be a strong threat on our planet. This threat, caused by urban density and human consumption, means greenhouse emission, floods, and desertification, etc. Many planners and urban designers develop urban strategies to build stronger cities, which can cope with future disasters and can provide greater capacity for resilience. One of the several issues affecting cities is the change in flood pattern. This is influenced by natural and socio-economic trends as well. This paper focuses on the special part of sustainable development practices that through the collaboration of community members and design leaders create innovative solutions for social and ecological issues in Eco-districts. In these cases, participation plays a vital role in raising awareness against climate risks. Green stormwater management in Eco-districts is one of the resilient solutions to increase districtwide green sustainable performance. Consequently, managing stormwater will have a positive affect on biodiversity by growing vegetation around small canals and watercourses in the urban landscape of the neighborhoods. The aim of the research is to investigate the strategy of stormwater management at the neighborhood scale and to compare the two identified case studies in two different cities in Europe Rotterdam and Malmo. It reveals how they use similar green strategies and how they are different in mitigating the flood effect. Moreover, it examines the positive impacts of social infrastructure in the two projects. Obviously, both Eco districts are regarded as sustainable design projects that conserve and reuse potable water and provide relief for stormwater runoff through natural drainage systems. Meanwhile, they differ in project objectives as well as final outcomes. The method of the research is to make comparative analysis of the two projects and the measures of positive impacts on social resilience is used as well. The conclusion of the paper is to provide recommendations for cities and neighborhoods, that are willing to implement Eco districts and achieve sustainability within their communities.


  • Sami Minatullah
    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék