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Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Construction Industry

The integration of Artificial Intelligence in the construction industry represents a transformative shift, where cutting-edge technologies, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and stable diffusion algorithms, are harnessed to revolutionize traditional construction methods. NLP enables seamless communication between human stakeholders and AI systems, facilitating efficient data processing and decision-making.

Furthermore, AI-powered image recognition algorithms play a pivotal role in construction by ensuring accurate and swift analysis of vast amounts of visual data. These algorithms not only enhance safety protocols by detecting potential hazards in real-time but also contribute to the creation of precise floor plans and 3D models. Through stable diffusion techniques, AI optimizes resource allocation and project timelines, mitigating bottlenecks and ensuring a steady workflow.

This integration fosters a dynamic construction environment, where AI-driven systems collaborate with human expertise, leading to faster project completion, cost-effectiveness, and improved overall quality. As a result, the construction industry is experiencing a paradigm shift, embracing AI technologies to streamline processes and deliver projects with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy.


  • Aliyev Nurlan
    Építmény-informatikai mérnöki
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Barsi Árpád
    egyetemi tanár, Fotogrammetria és Térinformatika Tanszék

