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Investigating the Mechanical Properties and Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Through Multiple Generation Recycling

Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC) represents a promising sustainable solution for the construction industry. Based on previous studies available in literature, that focused on multiple generations of concrete, we embarked on an in-depth investigation of this crucial topic. Instead of limiting the research to a single natural aggregate mix design, an extensive study was conducted encompassing four distinct concrete mix designs (C1, C2, C2D, C2M), some including steel or synthetic fibers. In total, specimens based on 12 concrete mix designs were prepared across the three generations of concrete. Each generation contained 4 mix designs.

The initial stage of the research involved the preparation of four unique concrete mixes: two variants of regular concrete (C1 and C2) with differing compressive strengths. Subsequently, we utilized the mix design yielding higher strength concrete (C2) to create fiber-reinforced concrete, incorporating synthetic (C2M ) and steel fibers (C2D). These initial specimens underwent a number of property tests before being crushed and recycled into thea generation of concrete, where the 4-16 mm fraction of aggregate was replaced, the crushed and sieved. This recycling process was repeated for each concrete type (e.g., C1 was used to create C1-Re, C2 for C2-Re, and so forth).

Throughout this comprehensive study, various experimental tests were conducted, including Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD), compressive strength, tensile splitting strength, modulus of elasticity, ultimate strain, water absorption, and water permeability tests on specimens from all generations. Findings revealed significant insights, notably an increase in compressive strength and a decrease in splitting tensile strength in subsequent generations of recycled concrete.

This research can considerably advance the understanding of RAC's performance over multiple recycling cycles and provides valuable insights into its mechanical and microstructural properties. The observed trends shed light on RAC's potential as a sustainable construction material, reinforcing its role in promoting environmentally responsible building practices.


  • Zhakiyanova Gaziza
    Építőmérnöki szak (műszaki alapdiploma BSc szint)
    alapképzés (BA/BSc)


  • Dr. Sólyom Sándor
    Egyetemi adjuktus, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék


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