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Thermal imager applications during tensile strength test of reinforcement bars

Reinforcement bars which are used widely in construction typically in concrete to withstand tension, reduce cracking and breaking. Therefore, it is highly important that these rebars meet the requirement of tensile strength and fit into limit state designs. Understanding the mechanical behavior of rebars is important in building constructions and optimizations. Mechanical stress induces temperature change in the reinforcement bars depending on their physical parameters, such as thermal diffusivity. This effect can be observed using a thermal imager, which have suitable field of view, resolution and thermal sensitivity, as well as capable of recording fully radiometric videos. However, in published research, mostly steel reinforced bars were investigated using thermal imagers, but fiber reinforced polymers have not yet. Hence, this paper is to explore the viability of the use of a thermal imager in the tensile strength test for multiple types of reinforcement bars. In this research an experimental investigation on the thermal properties and behavior of reinforced steel and fiber reinforced polymer bar during a tensile test with a thermal imager is conducted. The aim of the investigation is to compare the radiometric datasets with the stress-strain diagram of the specimen during the test and analyze the performance of different reinforcement bars with different thicknesses, as well as specimens under different load conditions. The performed tests show whether the thermal imager is applicable to predict the failure and its location regarding different kinds of reinforcement bars.


    Építőmérnöki szak (műszaki alapdiploma BSc szint)
    alapképzés (BA/BSc)


  • Dr. Nagy Balázs
    Egyetemi docens, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék
  • Dr. Sólyom Sándor
    Egyetemi adjuktus, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék


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