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Comparison of monitored and simulated indoor environment parameters in a residential case study building

Rising global surface temperature increases overheating risk of dwellings around the world. It is important to look at the overheating of our existing and future building stock or even to develop new building materials to reduce this impact. This study analyses and compares the monitored and simulated performance of a multi-level case study building in Budapest during the summer of 2020. It evaluates how accurate and precise simulated building’s environment (temperature, relative humidity, CO2 level) is compared to data measured in different rooms of the building. Measuring devices were installed around 3 rooms: living room, bedroom, and dining hall. Movement sensors of residents’ presence, shading and window detected every movement, whereas data related to the building’s environment, such as internal air temperature, relative humidity and CO2 level, was measured each minute. The results were checked, analysed, and averaged to create an appropriate data set for future application in software and easier data comparison.

The building is designed in Design Builder/Energy Plus software, taking into account the geometry of the building, outdoor weather conditions and behaviour of the residents (how and when windows and shading are being opened and closed). It is concluded that simulation software is able to produce a model similar to reality with a detailed knowledge of input data, such as user behaviour and real weather conditions. It can be effectively used for the environmental design of energy-efficient buildings. However, it is essential to optimise the building according to the inhabitants’ needs, as they can influence not just the energy consumption but also the internal comfort in the building.


  • Kairlapova Ainur
    Építőmérnöki szak (műszaki alapdiploma BSc szint)
    alapképzés (BA/BSc)


  • Dr. Szalay Zsuzsa
    egyetemi docens, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék
  • Szagri Dóra
    doktorandusz, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék


Egyetemi Hallgatói Képviselet II. helyezett