Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

Influence of ozone in the hardening of concrete

The work and the report of it, is aiming to verify and reproduce the findings patented in the United States of America under the registration number US20130033955A1. The part of the patent, which implies a possible increment of the relative strength of the hardened concrete when treated with ozonated water and mixed with cement and aggregate, is of interest. This promising attempt of improving the strength and durability was tested by comparison between 4 different mixtures of cement mortars. Two of them were mixed with ozonated water and 2 different ordinary Portland cements (OPC) of type CEM I (Hungarian and Austrian) respectively. The other 2 samples were mixed by using ordinary tap water and the same cements. Altogether 12 prism samples of the size 40x40x160 mm were produced and tested. After 7, 14 and 28 days one sample of each mixture was tested for flexural and compressive strength respectively. The results of the experiment in overall didn’t show a significant change. Neither in the physical properties (consistency) of the mixtures by using ozonated water on the fresh mortar, nor on the mechanical properties of the hardened one. It can be concluded that for now the findings described in the part of this patent can’t be reproduced by using OPC (type CEM I). There is a possibility of using different blended cements for the verification of the respective part of the patent. The dry mixtures were ensured by MC-Bauchemie Ltd.


  • Matta Juan
    Építőmérnöki szak (műszaki alapdiploma BSc szint)
    alapképzés (BA/BSc)


  • Dr. Simon Tamás
    adjunktus, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék
  • Dr. Nemes Rita
    egyetemi docens, Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék

