Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

Closed loops in industry – the concept of industrial ecology

This work is based on the concept of recycling and reusing – in general and also in industry. Based on these the paper introduces the concept of industrial ecology and also presents the principles of industrial ecology. Types of industrial ecology also appear in the paper. The author uses literature review to examine the before mentioned fields.

Industrial Ecology (IE) was defined as important field which studies the relationships between industrial system and environment. One form of industrial ecology is industrial park, which is to improve the efficiency of material products and to reduce the rate of discharge in industrial system. The evolution of IE is changing all the time. Based on concluding the achievements of previous researches of IE, human should pay more attention to improve the level of technology, to create a perfect close-loop recycling system.

The work is an analysis of the literature, however at the end the author examines the main advantages and disadvantages of industrial ecology, the closed loops in industry.


  • He Shuhan
    gépészeti modellezés
    nappali (angol nyelvű)


  • Harazin Piroska
    Egyetemi tanársegéd, Környezetgazdaságtan és Fenntartható Fejlődés Tanszék

