Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

Térbeli igazságosság a városrehabilitációban - Esettanulmány: Budapest, Józsefváros

This research paper navigates the confluence of spatial justice and urban regeneration, spotlighting the dynamic district of Józsefváros in Budapest. Anchored in the foundational theories of Henri Lefebvre and David Harvey, spatial justice emerges as the linchpin, advocating not only for the equitable allocation of resources but also within the ambit of urban regeneration. Urban regeneration, a catalytic force in revitalizing urban areas, encompasses strategic interventions ranging from physical redevelopment to community engagement initiatives. By emphasizing the fair distribution of opportunities, amenities, and services, spatial justice becomes integral in shaping the transformation of urban spaces.

The study embarks on an exploration of the historical evolution of spatial justice, uncovering its roots in mid-20th-century urban theory. This discourse revolutionized urban studies, unveiling the political dimensions imprinted on urban space. Building on this foundation, the paper embarks on a literature review, scrutinizing how spatial justice dovetails with urban issues within the realm of urban regeneration. This encompasses the accessibility and affordability of housing, the impacts of gentrification, the allocation and design of public spaces, and the equitable distribution of vital urban infrastructure.

Within the specific context of Józsefváros, emblematic of urban transformation, the research probes into the reciprocal relationship between regeneration and spatial justice. The district's unique blend of historical preservation and forward-looking modernization initiatives serves as a fertile ground for inquiry. By interrogating the intricate dynamics at play, this study aims to discern the challenges and opportunities inherent in fostering a more inclusive, just, and sustainable urban environment. Through the prism of spatial justice, this research presents insights that resonate deeply within the scope of urban regeneration. It underscores the imperative to approach regeneration as a vehicle for positive socio-spatial change, illuminating a path toward a more harmonious urban future.


  • Sukkar Rand
    Urbanista-építészmérnök MSc
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék