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Vulnerability in the social dimension of spatial development in a time of crisis - Case Study: Rural Damascus- Syrian Arab Republic.

Research Summary

The social dimension is one of the dimensions of sustainable development. It focuses on the human being, the essence of development and its ultimate goal, and the pursuit of quality of life is the goal of achieving comprehensive economic and social development.

The research begans with the concept of quality of life within urban communities, and provides a theoretical review of the indicators of quality of life, in addition to the citeies prosperity indicator and the of human development indicator.

The research deals with the social and human dimensions of quality of life and its relation to the prosperity of cities and their role in achieving sustainable development and comprehensive spatial development, from the level of the individual to the level of cities and regions.

According to the fact that spatial dimension is a reflection of all other aspects geographically had to address the index of the prosperity of cities as it directly reflects the level of development on the urban environment built spatially and seeks to promote the prosperity of cities, thus improving the quality of life and move to the concept of quality.

The study will deals with the concept of vulneability in all its of types with the reference to its components (exposure, sensitivity and ability to adapt), and the emphasis on the concept of social vulnerability (social risks, consequences on the individual and places levels, as well as identifying the measurement indicators which according to it will determine the level of vulnerability of the study area, and the reality of spatial development according to it.

The study will examine the social situation in Syrian arab republic (then detailed study for the rural Damascus as a case study) and analyzing the vulnerability aspects in it in two periods (pre and during Syrian crisis and war), its problems, reality, the state of vulnerability which occurs due to exposure to social risks and the lack of adaptive, and its spatialy reflection on the area, with emphasizing on one aspect of social vulnerability (health sector as an example), low services that have happened and urgent solutions, then the research will develop a proposal and a strategy for the future development in order to achieve comprehensive development on all the scales.


    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Kádár Bálint
    docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék