Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

São Paulo lakáspolitikája és annak korrelációja a szociális otthon teremtéssel

The housing situation in Brazil is a matter of great relevance, especially regarding the social and economic scenario of the country. Historically, the housing deficit and the strategic policies aimed at this field have a great impact on the quality of life and the variation of social inequality in the country. Brazil's housing environment is directly related to governmental social housing actions.

Today, the state of São Paulo has significant economic strength and socio-cultural representativeness, and for this reason it can be considered one of the most important mobilizing centers of initiative, whether public or private, in the country. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the guidelines that lead the housing policies in the country and their repercussions on population movement and (re)construction of Brazilian urban centers, however, based on the scenario of the city of São Paulo.

Despite the great advances experienced since the 2000s, the current political circumstances have guided the country towards stagnation in housing production and the rehabilitation of consolidated urban centers. Recent indicators show the rapid growth of the housing déficit, with special emphasis on the city of São Paulo. However, taking this scenario into consideration, innovative initiatives are being taken by the local government in an attempt to take control of housing policies, including the social interest.

Analyzing the strategies, difficulties and success stories in this topic, in the social, economic and cultural context of the city of São Paulo, is intended to help to understand and envision a scenario for the future of this field in the rest of the country in the next years.

It is also important to mention the case analysis of the rehabilitation of Parque Novo Santo Amaro through the construction of new housing and the reconstitution of the urban fabric of a consolidated slum area. Urban intervention measures such as these are proving to be effective in solving the housing problem and in fostering the local economy. Promoting the improvement of deteriorated urban areas and the maintenance of low-income populations in central locations, facing the transformative force of the real estate market, is also a challenge that the city government and social movements have to constantly deal in Brazil.

In some examples such as this, the state has positioned itself as a mediator between the social and private interests, actions that are reflected in the city's new Urban Development Plan, outlining new urban designs and architectural patterns. This study also seeks to highlight the differences that exist between the national urban policies, which are currently in the process of decreasing, and the local policies developed by the state of São Paulo, especially with regard to architectural quality and urban insertion.

Understanding the social and spatial reality generated by the new housing policies in the city of São Paulo can enable a coherent prospecting about the next panoramas for the other large Brazilian cities. For this reason, it is important to draw this parallel, based on analytical observations of the collected data, from the perspective of urban, architectural and social aspects.


  • Silva Dantas Gabriel
    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék