Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

Társadalmi fenntarthatóság mérése a lakhatáson keresztül. Cölöpházas negyed Buenavistában, Cienega Grande Magdalena régió, Kolumbia.

In order to improve the capacity and impact of social projects by the Government and public or private organization; this document will provide first study analyzing of Buenavista Cienega del Magdalena in Colombia ,based on OECD regional wellbeing social dimensions a measuring international method focus on social key Dimension, as a result of the lack of a measuring local system , furthermore this document will comparing the result of this study with a good quality and similar social behavior town trying to find develop opportunities, nevertheless we will work under three principles of social sustainability develop; Human Developing, Sustainability and community Engage or Well being Community, perhaps we will find singularities coming from Buenavista which are not comparable with any other place, Indeed those factors must be an strong influence during the construction of this paper and further planning strategies or public policies creation.

Important to clarify the social and physical information was recollected on site by Tierra S.O.S Corporation located in Bogota, Colombia. During the construction of the Project “Transformation by Colors” spring of 2019, they used the questioner methods speaking with the family on their houses as a result they identified 144 Houses, 194 families, whom correspond to 70.61 % of the total number of Families of Buenavista. Nevertheless, this town or village have been forgotten by the state and the local government organization by years, also this community lived the violence and the lack of opportunities, in the darkest years of Colombia. Now have the opportunity to study and learn; how this community grow up after all those issues is pretty interesting, this reflection will provide indirectly tools and useful information management during the creation process in urban planning and community develop as a huge first step in the lifetime of sustainable and resilience projects.


  • Baron Soracipa Sergio Manuel Ifj.
    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Babos Annamária
    doktorandusz, Urbanisztika Tanszék