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Egy városi tér alkalmazkodóképessége a többértékűség értelmezésén keresztül - A budapesti Városháza Tér esettanulmánya

Adaptability seems to be turning into a highly critical issue of our time, both looking at it through the lens of the current pandemic of 2020, with rules of social distancing, as well as considering a more persistent feature of today’s society, a move towards social awareness and plurality. Therefore the question of possible methods to integrate adaptability into design, in order to create public spaces that are versatile, both in regards to different times (e.g. pandemic, different seasons, day/night time) and different users (with different needs and lifestyles), is crucial. Bearing in mind the variety of means to achieve adaptability in public space, polyvalence, despite its potential, is perhaps rather overlooked. Polyvalence is of particular interest based on how it relates form, interpretation (or meaning), and usage to one another, therefore creating a level of personal connection with the users which might be absent in many other methods. When it comes to analysing the relationship between form and meaning, comparison to linguistics and in particular semiology proves fruitful. Due to its nature, polyvalence can occur organically through users’ interpretation of forms, in the absence of design intentions or even against them. This provides further opportunities for designers to study and subsequently utilize this triangular relationship between form, usage and meaning. Moreover, in the case of polyvalence, the interaction between the designer, the design, and the user does not follow the prevalent practice of our time; polyvalence-based design offers the user a higher level of autonomy when it comes to interpretation of forms and consequently their usage. Városháza Square, being a historically and geographically significant location in Budapest, is a favorable area in need of an investigation for a design intervention with a methodology such as polyvalence.


  • Dadpour Siavash
    Építészmérnöki mesterképzési szak osztatlan
    egységes, osztatlan képzés


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék