Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

Biológiai és városi ellenállóképesség: esettanulmány a biológia ökoszisztémák ellenállóképességéről és a városi formák ellenállóképességéhez való viszonyáról Budapest köztereinek példáján keresztül

Resilience from the Latin ‘resilire’, ‘to recoil or rebound’ is the ability of an object, person, or system to bounce back and readapt after some form of change. In urban studies this noun has appeared in the research community and in many conference topics over the last 20 years. With so many fast changes reaching our cities and communities in global and local levels this topic’s relevance is ever growing.

I propose to identify principles of resilience from biological ecosystems and connect these principles to urban forms. Nature tells us much about growth, adaptation, transformation, cycles, structure and ultimately resilience. I will focus on these characteristics in nature and their relationship to how we think about the negative spaces in the urban fabric of European cities like Budapest. Identifying the factors and relationships which contribute to nature’s resilience can teach us about the way our urban spaces impact human development and the resilience of our communities.

To accomplish this, I will focus on 4 different public spaces in the city of Budapest and make a deeper analysis of these areas, connecting their spatial and behavioural characteristics to theoretical aspects of the term resilience. With the final objective of learning about factors in these spaces which contribute positively or negatively to urban resilience and which reflect aspects found in biological resilience.

All this will be done taking into consideration the new phenomena of global pandemics which has become extremely relevant with COVID-19, having a strong effect on the use of our public spaces. Considering factors of how these negative spaces in cities can contribute to the new world in midst of pandemics and other natural and sociological phenomena.

The analysis of the chosen spaces will be carried out through a mixed research method, which is a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. The urban analysis approach of Jan Gehl's methodology is used to understand the impact of the established areas on people using those spaces.


  • Brix Monteiro Gabriella Dalita
    Építészmérnöki mesterképzési szak osztatlan
    egységes, osztatlan képzés


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék