Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

A városi népsűrűség és az adaptív várostervezési stratégiák hatása a városokra a COVID-19-pandémia alatt

The paper discusses the current situation about how the pandemic reshapes our cities and daily life behavior from different perspectives. With the outbreak of the pandemic, governments implement several public health policies to mediate the transmission rate and protect public health. Restrictions on the use of public space and social distancing are currently regarded as the most effective temporary urban measures. However, the sudden physical limitation provokes the public to rethink individuals’ space in the public areas, the relationship with nature, and the influence on mental health factors. Communities need an effective emergency response, contagion control methods, adequate housing for all residents, physical and mental support for isolated people, and affordability to improve resilience. It comes along with some urban strategies emerging to accommodate social distancing from more green spaces to wider cycle lanes for the sudden growth of the number of cyclists. During the quarantine period, the definition of public space has a new interpretation.

Cities as the carriers of a high population contain the potential risks of the pandemic. It also reveals the vulnerability and resilience of urban systems. The discussion should analyze from the urban framework by place matters, cyberspace, density, access, and the city-region. The crisis stimulates debates over the long-term impact on public space in the post-pandemic world and also how urban planners and policymakers in different countries tend to take transformative actions towards creating more resilient, and sustainable cities. There is also a concern over the relationship between urban density and its impact on pandemics. The intention of the essay is to analyze the urban strategies in different urban density countries. It is considered that the metropolitan population is one of the significant predictors of infection rates. However, as the dynamic of the infectious rate track, it turns out country density is not significantly related to the infection rate. There are other factors in different perspectives affecting the transmission rate and mortality rates.

The paper tries to analyze the different urban structures of these cities and their practices in current situations. This research aims to define and launch strategies for post-COVID cities to react promptly to epidemics in the future. These adaptive approaches should be taken spatial arrangements and availabilities, urban structures, economic situations, social attributes, and cultural background into consideration. The essay also concerns about urban management, governance, transportation and urban design that can be allocated for post-pandemic urban planning. The literature reviews emphasize on the factors: decentralization of facilities, hierarchization of the transport system and public services, and redundancy of public and semi-public functions.


    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék