Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

A Római Fórum hagyományos jelentésének feltárása modern környezetben. Városháza tér, Budapest esettanulmány.

The paper discusses the importance of the concept of social sustainability and environmental psychology in public space design.

Local resident's opinions' analysis is taken from the online questionnaire of the City Hall and used as a method of the new functional determination of the Városháza Square in Budapest. Considering all the proposals, evoking a Roman forum and application of street art on the site are highlighted.

Consequently, the Roman forum, its meaning, function, symbolism and its recall in a contemporary content are the main subjects of the research. The City Forum’s reflection on the identity of the Városháza Square is illustrated.

Piazza d'Italia by Charles Moore is examined as the example of recalling the historic architecture elements in a public square, the theoretical background behind the project is studied. Postmodernists’ approach of referring to history is researched. The concept of “double coding” is given and its possible usage is expressed in the notion of street art.

Street art as an interactive tool of influencing users' understanding of public spaces is studied. Street art affecting public spaces' behavior and their space usage is investigated.

The modern interpretation of the Roman forum is expressed in the concept of the new public square. The existing research in the field of environmental psychology related to the specific aspects of the concept is used as a tool and applied to the case of Városháza Square to make the space usable and convenient.


  • Fesenko Valentina
    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Dr. Szabó Árpád
    Egyetemi docens, Urbanisztika Tanszék