Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

From Real to Imaginary

“During the Weimar phase of the Bauhaus, photography was initially used as a documentation and

publication medium before it was established as an artistic field of experimentation, ranging from

the photogram to the photo collage, by László Moholy-Nagy in 1923. Photography only became an

official subject in Dessau in 1929, when it was integrated into the advertising workshop.

Photography at the Bauhaus was mainly associated with figures such as László Moholy-Nagy,

Walter Peterhans, Lucia Moholy and Erich Consemüller […] Under László Moholy-Nagy, photography

was integrated in the general curriculum as an aesthetic phenomenon. ” (PHOTOGRAPHY, 2019).

Considering the context of the influence of the Bauhaus school in the city of Budapest, it seeks to

highlight the nuances that exist between the physical reality and the imaginary field through

modern photographic experimentation techniques idealized by the Painter and Photographer

László Moholy-Nagy. The choice of the site is directly related to subjective aspects of the ambience

and atmosphere of the city that were interpreted and synthesized in an artistic way.

Through personal experiences with the city was identified and chosen a region for the

implementation of this analysis, because it has fundamental structural characteristics for the study.

Budapest has a dynamic urban fabric, in which there are varied architectural styles and

atmospheres, despite being inserted in this fabric, in its scale and materiality, it was observed that

the district XIII differs from the others by its more perceptible modern communication. The

buildings of this area, mostly, have the same architectural language characteristic of the Bauhaus,

and for this reason, the concept fits into this scenario.

This work seeks to abstract and understand the complexity of the composition of layers of the

Bauhaus buildings, experimenting by collage and overlapping techniques, in an attempt to highlight

unusual nuances of elements of the physical and abstract composition of these buildings. From the

perspective of the aesthetic composition proposed by Moholy-Nagy, this artistic interpretation

aims to articulate the different layers that compose the superficial appearance and the ambience

of these buildings, highlighting characteristics such as density, transparency and materiality.

It is possible to create a strong correlation between time, technique and design through an artistic

product. It is important and remarkable the presence of the past through the expression of the final

practical objects despite the use of technologies present today, thus materializing the Imaginary.

The artwork intends to be a collection of images showing the points of views of some existing

buildings of the Bauhaus in Budapest. Analyzes the main spatial characteristics of these buildings,

as objects of study, inserting them in the urban landscape and formulating new standards of graphic

expression and design.

The experimentation is based on concepts and techniques of visual communication, envisioning a

scenario of graphic expression, trying out through abstraction of photographic documentation. The

central objective of this study is to translate the existing set of spatial characteristics in a form of

visual expression.



  • Delgado da Silva Bárbara Mylena
    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)
  • Silva Dantas Gabriel
    Tervező-építészmérnök MSc (angol nyelven)
    mesterképzés (MA/MSc)


  • Babos Annamária
    doktorandusz, Urbanisztika Tanszék