Regisztráció és bejelentkezés

Szeizmikus tehernek kitett acél vázszerkezet megbízhatósági elemzése

Reliability analysis is an essential ingredient for a successful structural design since it assists the engineer to consider all possible structural uncertainties by calculating the probability of (local or global) failure during the design, construction and life span of a structure.

Structural reliability is the mainstream method that approximates the failure probability and probabilistic performance of structure in realistic manner. Realistic seismic performance of buildings should be evaluated in the probabilistic frameworks since earthquake motions, loads, structural geometries and material properties are normally random or known with imprecision. A structure is said to be reliable if it is failure free.

The objective of this paper is to asses the reliability of steel frame structure subjected to seismic loading For the seismic global load-carrying capacity limit state of a structure, the maximum base shear is taken as the global load-carrying capacity of the structure, and the total horizontal earthquake is taken as the global seismic demand for the structure. Using the global limit state function reliability analysis is done using Numpress software. Both the approximate (FORM, SORM) methods and simulation (Monte Carlo) methods these will be addressed.

The second method to be addressed for the reliability analysis is based on incremental dynamic analysis ,for this analysis web will be used from which different IDA curves are estimated using these results the reliability analysis is done based on fragility curve and seismic hazard curve

In this project non linear static push over seismic analysis of steel frame structure will be analyzed using SAP2000v14 software. The results from the capacity curve will be used for the global limit state function formation and for the reliability assessment of the structure using the incremental dynamic analysis.


  • Wubneh Girmay Godifey
    Építőmérnöki szak (műszaki alapdiploma BSc szint)
    alapképzés (BA/BSc)


  • Dr. Vigh László Gergely
    Egyetemi docens, Hidak és Szerkezetek Tanszék